• Intelligent Factory Empowers PPE Industry to Drive Towards a “Green”Future
    Intelligent Factory Empowers PPE Industry to Drive Towards a “Green”Future Jun 25, 2024
    01 Background introduction As a leading company in the field of functional security gloves, the customer is also a leading company with comprehensive advantages in the global safety protection field. Its business areas cover the research and development, production and sales of raw yarns, hand protection products and full-body special protection products. The customer is far-sighted in laying out the "intelligent transformation" strategy, and has put into operation a new intelligent industrial park based on the intelligent upgrading of the original intelligent factories and production lines. It plans to upgrade again and further enhance the intelligence level of the future factory, realizing the transition from the automation stage to the moving forward in the direction of digitalization, informatization and intelligence. The customer is committed to realizing the intelligent manufacturing goal of the "dark factory", by which time production capacity will be effectively released to meet greater market demand, while at the same time promoting the construction of low-carbon, smart, green parks and creating a green ecological industrial park. 02 Solutions and implementation effects The Yufeng intelligent AS/RS stacker crane automzted warehouse system maximizes the utilization of space, seamlessly connects the logistics system and the production system, breaks the information silo, and is equipped with a loop multi-vehicle RGV conveyor system to realize storage of raw materials, finished products and intelligent workshop supply. In terms of software, customized services are used to connect with the client's DCS system. In terms of information construction, the persistent connection method is used to perfectly realize the information interaction between the underlying sensing system and the upper central system. The entire intelligent logistics system can quickly respond to the customer's logistics supply and meet its annual production capacity and storage needs of 72 million dozen functional safety protective gloves. The intelligent factory built based on the operating increment over the years and future industry increment data can meet the continuous application of enterprises in the future growth stage. Space utilization Yufeng Intelligent makes full use of the existing space in the warehouse, and is inspired by international traffic road design. It adopts designs such as upper and lower layering and cross-layering in the XY direction to maximize the use of vertical space. With the intelligent automzted warehouse system as the core, it has successfully created tens of thousands of storage spaces completely get rid of the constraints of compact space and meet the storage requirements of raw materials and finished products. Warehousing + production line smart interconnection In order to respond to the needs of the production line in a timely ...
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  • Strengthen safety awareness and build a solid safety defense line | Yufeng Intelligent held the launch meeting of the 2024
    Strengthen safety awareness and build a solid safety defense line | Yufeng Intelligent held the launch meeting of the 2024 "Safety Production Month" event Jun 06, 2024
    June 2024 is the 23rd "Safety Production Month" in the country. In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions and important instructions on work safety, we will solidly carry out the work related to the "Safety Production Month" and effectively improve the safety of all employees. In order to improve safety awareness and emergency response capabilities, Yufeng Intelligent held the launch meeting of the 2024 "Safety Production Month" event with the theme of "Everyone pays attention to safety and everyone knows how to respond to emergencies - Smooth life channels". Xiang Weifeng, general manager of Yufeng Intelligent, attended the meeting together with the company's middle and senior managers, relevant workshop leaders, and project leaders and delivered a mobilization speech. The meeting thoroughly studied General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on work safety and watched the public welfare video "Everyone Speaks of Safety, Everyone Meets Emergency Response and Smooth Life Channels" for the Safety Production Month. Yufeng Intelligent Safety and Environment Supervisor reported on the implementation of the annual safety work plan, investigation and management of potential accident hazards, and announced the company's 2024 "Safety Production Month" activity implementation plan. Xiang Weifeng, general manager of Yufeng Intelligent, gave a mobilization speech for this event. He emphasized: "1. Safety production, responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai. All levels cannot be neglected. All employees must effectively implement all tasks. Managers We must be a good "leader" and lead employees to take action so that hidden dangers are thoroughly rectified and no dead ends are left in management. 2. We must establish and improve a traceable responsibility system for the entire process to form a safe production pattern in which everyone is responsible and accountable. 3. Strengthen safety special education and safety legal education, achieve full coverage of training and education, strengthen safety awareness of all employees, and further create an atmosphere where everyone understands safety and everyone takes care of safety. "The successful holding of the kick-off meeting officially kicked off 2024. The "Safety Production Month" activity came to an end. Yufeng Intelligent will organize and carry out activities such as "accident emergency drills" and "I contribute to safety" to mobilize all employees to provide suggestions. At the same time, banners are posted, safety education and training are carried out, and a strong atmosphere is created through activities such as signing a commitment letter on production safety, to further enhance the safety risk responsibility awareness and escape ability of all employees, continue to establish a strong awareness of safety red lines, promote the implementation of safety production responsibilities, and effectively improve The quality of risk ...
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  • Case | Yufeng Intelligent storage and distribution logistics system solution helps
    Case | Yufeng Intelligent storage and distribution logistics system solution helps "inspection, storage and distribution integrated base" improve quality and efficiency Jun 01, 2024
    1. Project background With the sharp increase in the demand for power supplies caused by power transformation and upgrading, the storage cycle of materials has become shorter, the turnover rate has accelerated, and the frequency of incoming and outgoing warehouses has increased. The traditional material management model can no longer adapt to the needs of development and construction, and there is an urgent need to reform the business model. Innovation and digitalization of business management. To this end, State Grid is on the new journey of building an internationally leading energy Internet enterprise with Chinese characteristics, deepening quality and efficiency improvement, achieving high-quality development, actively promoting the construction of integrated inspection, storage and distribution bases in terms of material management, and building and improving material quality. Testing center, forming an integrated testing center and warehousing base. Against this background, a power company in Shandong, based on the establishment of an intelligent storage and distribution logistics system, strives to achieve intelligent and informatized material operations through the application of automation system technology in the power material logistics supply chain, and to control equipment and material storage in real time. This eliminates the need for manual interaction between the warehousing operation level and the Internet information level. 2. Solution Yufeng Intelligent considers customer needs, industry characteristics, material specifications and other aspects, adheres to the digital and intelligent design and development concepts, and uses "four-way shuttle intensive storage + miniload light-weight high-speed stacker Crane Automated Warehouse storage + WCS system + "Multiple logistics equipment coordinated transportation" as the overall solution for the project, realizing the intelligent storage and distribution operation mode of light and heavy materials of this power company. The four-way shuttle intensive storage area integrates storage and sorting. The four-way shuttle cooperates with the heavy-duty stacker crane to achieve rapid operation in six dimensions, comprehensively improving the efficiency and accuracy of logistics operations; scattered light materials use miniload light-duty stacking crane, which combined with the light roller conveyor line, realizes "goods-to-person" picking, further improving material automation, intelligent production lines and unmanned warehousing. Based on the characteristics of a wide variety of power materials and diversified storage needs, the manipulator system is equipped with a 3D vision camera, breaking through the limitations of traditional automated single depalletizing usage scenarios, solving the industry's problem of disassembling bagged materials, and matching multiple automatic and rapid replacement. The fixture can realize "one-to-many" efficient picking, palletizer work, and completely inte...
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  • Ru's Immersive Company Visit——Yufeng Intelligent
    Ru's Immersive Company Visit——Yufeng Intelligent Jun 01, 2024
    The exhibition hall that integrates digital and physical entities is the epitome of brand strength. After ten years of great changes, Yufeng Intelligent has grown into a leader in the field of intelligent logistics. Focusing on diversified applications such as intelligent warehousing, intelligent workshops, and platform systems, it provides one-stop intelligent  logistics system overall solutions such as customized consulting planning, system integration, software R&D, and smart equipment production. Yufeng Intelligent has a high-level R&D and management team, relies on strong non-standard design capabilities, and cooperates with domestic cutting-edge mobile robot technology teams such as the University of Science and Technology of China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences to have obtained more than 100 national patents. Yufeng Intelligent, which has joined Heli, is using digital intelligence to create a grand blueprint for future logistics. Yufeng's own production warehouses are four-way shuttle warehouse and stacker crane warehouse. The four-way shuttles are matched with the hoister. It can achieve faster warehouse inbound and outbound; Stacker crane features in stable and first-in-first-out, fast-in, fast-out specialty. The AGV testing and debugging area has two functions. One is that when the project vehicle needs to be shipped, it will enter the designated area. Only after 7x24 hours long-term stable operation can the AGV be stored in the warehouse. The other is the AGV test area for new R&D products (some new functions developed for the project) testing. After the AGV runs stably for 7x24 hours, it will be sent to the finished product delivery area and successfully sent to customer project site. Every technological innovation is a brave touch to the unknown boundary. Here, technology is no longer cold machines and codes. They continue to interpret the charm of the smart logistics era with efficiency and precision.
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  • Case | Yufeng Intelligent empowers large furniture companies to upgrade their warehousing and logistics intelligently
    Case | Yufeng Intelligent empowers large furniture companies to upgrade their warehousing and logistics intelligently May 24, 2024
    1. Project background As an important furniture industry for people's livelihood, furniture manufacturing is a typical labor-intensive industry. Generally, enterprises still use stacked storage and extensive management for the storage of products. Although the investment is low in the short term and is not limited to the storage environment, the stacking of goods can only rely on manual handling, which makes the entry and exit efficiency inefficient and prone to damage. Under the impact of intensified market competition, continuous expansion of production capacity, and new technologies and new ideas, furniture companies have responded to market demand and accelerated digital transformation and upgrading. 2. Project introduction The customer focuses on the R&D, production and sales of sofas, bedding and supporting household products. The products are positioned as "fashionable, light luxury" style. Mainly engaged in overseas export business, the products are exported to many countries and regions such as Europe, America, and the Middle East, and the development trend is good. In the process of development and growth, the company spares no effort to promote automation, digitalization, and intelligent upgrading and transformation, and is committed to creating an intelligent and efficient production, logistics and warehousing system. After a detailed investigation of customer needs, Yufeng Intelligent conducted in-depth analysis on multiple dimensions such as product characteristics, business processes and site layout characteristics, and combined with 3D simulation technology to continuously optimize and improve the process. The final planning and design was based on "Pallet stacker three-dimensional warehouse storage system + ring-through RGV storage system + multi-logistics equipment collaborative transportation" as an overall solution for the project. It extends from a single intelligent storage function to an intelligent logistics system covering material handling, regional distribution, and automatic storage. Through the organic integration of intelligent warehousing software and hardware, automatic packaging of finished furniture sets of various specifications is realized. Transportation and storage have been significantly improved in terms of storage capacity, lean management, cost reduction and efficiency improvement. 3. Intelligent warehousing and logistics solutions The smart warehousing functional area of this project is about 7,500 square meters, including 2 finished product warehouses. A total of 11 double-deep stackers, RGV, AGV, and WCS, WMS and other smart software systems have been deployed to realize the digitalization, intelligence and intelligentization of the overall warehousing system. Visual operation and management! The traditional conveyor line transportation mode has been changed in the warehouse front area, and a circular track with multiple vehicles on one track has been adopted to reduce costs and equipment track spa...
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  • Academician Wu Xindong and his delegation visited Yufeng Intelligent Headquarters for inspection and research
    Academician Wu Xindong and his delegation visited Yufeng Intelligent Headquarters for inspection and research May 21, 2024
    On the afternoon of May 19, Wu Xindong, a foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering, data mining expert, dean, professor and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Big Knowledge Science of Hefei University of Technology, Wu Weidong, full-time vice president of the Anhui Provincial Scientists and Entrepreneurs Association, and Anhui Provincial Scientists and Entrepreneurs Xu Li, director of the association's business department, and Liu Yuechen, deputy director of the expert liaison department of the Anhui Academicians and Experts Federation, and their delegation visited the headquarters of Anhui Yufeng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Yufeng Intelligent) for inspection and investigation. Xiang Weifeng, general manager of Yufeng Intelligent, Deputy General Manager Wang Haifang and other leaders accompanied the visit and held symposiums. Academician Wu Xindong and his party first visited the Yufeng Intelligent Headquarters Building and Exhibition Hall. Wang Lei, General Assistant of the Software Center, introduced in detail the company's development history, main business, product types, technological innovation, etc. After learning that Yufeng Intelligent provides customers with one-stop smart logistics system overall solution services covering consulting planning, system integration, software research and development, Academician Wu and his party spoke highly of the company's business model and technical achievements. Later, they went to the production workshop to visit the product assembly line and equipment testing area, and watched and understood the characteristics and advantages of the product in actual application scenarios. The two parties had in-depth exchanges on product features, technical highlights, and industrial layout. At the symposium, the two parties also discussed and exchanged ideas on corporate technological innovation and new productivity development. After having an in-depth understanding of the company's future key research directions and content, Academician Wu started from his own research field and combined with actual cases, Provide constructive suggestions and guidance to the company. Mr. Xiang said: "We hope that the two parties will carry out substantive cooperation in the future in terms of technology research and talent introduction, jointly tackle key problems around corporate innovation needs, strengthen the integration of industry, academia and research, promote the transformation and implementation of scientific research results into productivity, and improve the company's R&D and innovation capabilities." , which was unanimously approved by Academician Wu and his delegation. Yufeng Intelligent has always insisted on being driven by technological innovation, focusing on its own product research and development and technological innovation, focusing on the construction of four aspects: hardware product strength, software computing power, solution ecological streng...
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  • New Quality Driving, Smartly Linking the Future | 518 Heli intelligent Logistics Industrial Park grand opening!
    New Quality Driving, Smartly Linking the Future | 518 Heli intelligent Logistics Industrial Park grand opening! May 19, 2024
    May 18, 2024, to "New Quality Driving, Smartly Linking the Future | 518 Heli intelligent Logistics Industrial Park grand opening!"themed Heli Intelligent Logistics Industrial Park Opening Ceremony Held grandly at the Yufeng Intelligent Factory in Feixi County, Hefei City It was May, the sun was just right and the breeze was pleasant. Wu Peiguo, Secretary-General of the China Construction Machinery Industry Association, Zhang Jie, Secretary-General of the Industrial Vehicle Branch of the China Construction Machinery Industry Association, Wang Jixiang, Vice President of the China Warehousing and Distribution Association, Wang Xinhua, Deputy Secretary of the Feixi County Party Committee and County Mayor, Huagang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Feixi County Party Committee Wei Gang, Secretary of the Town Party Committee, Yang Anguo, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman and General Manager of Anhui Forklift Group, external directors and executives of Anhui Forklift Group and leaders of Feixi County Science and Technology Bureau, Dama Technology, Chaodian New Energy, China Merchants Securities, and CITIC Securities Nearly a hundred people from the group company, affiliated companies and related units attended the opening ceremony. Previously, Anhui Heli invested in and acquired Yufeng Intelligent through cash acquisition of equity, taking solid steps to promote the high-end, intelligent and green transformation of the industry, and "accelerating" in the field of intelligent logistics. Now, the Heli Intelligent Logistics Industrial Park has opened and will "based on the four major business modules of Yufeng intelligent logistics robots and entities, intelligent warehousing, integrated solutions, and electric vehicles, and further integrate the group's manufacturing technology, With the advantages of supply chain system, global market service capabilities and industry influence, we focus on the construction of our own four capabilities: hardware product strength, software computing power, solution ecological strength and service full-cycle strength to better adapt to efficiency and flexibility. , networked and ecological intelligent logistics industry development trend, comprehensively serving Anhui Youche Group's strategic layout in the intelligent logistics business sector," said Xiang Weifeng, general manager of Yufeng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Wu Peiguo, secretary-general of the China Construction Machinery Industry Association, said at the opening ceremony that Heli, as a leading company in the field of industrial vehicles in the construction machinery industry and a well-known global brand of industrial vehicles, Heli's scientific and technological innovation capabilities, high-quality products and services, and open and inclusive corporate culture are the key to Heli's export to the global market and the foundation for Heli's consistent and steady and healthy development. Today's opening of the Heli Intelligent Logistics Indu...
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  • Park opening notice | Countdown to the opening ceremony of Heli Intelligent Logistics Industrial Park!
    Park opening notice | Countdown to the opening ceremony of Heli Intelligent Logistics Industrial Park! May 16, 2024
    Park opening notice | Countdown to the opening ceremony of Heli Intelligent Logistics Industrial Park! New quality drive Smart chain future When forklifts meet artificial intelligence The wonderful era of smart logistics is approaching From industrial vehicles to smart logistics Based on more than 60 years of deep cultivation of logistics innovation technology foundation Join forces to lead new productivity with technological innovation Combine the power of intelligence to help digital China May 18th 09:18 Heli Intelligent Logistics Industrial Park is about to open “Acceleration of gearing up” in the field of smart logistics Countdown to 3 days, don’t miss this exciting event! Book a live broadcast Let's hit the scene together
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